About Us

About Us

Dyslexia Beyond Challenges

Giftolexia’s mission is to help children with Dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties realize their true potential through early identification and right remediation. Giftolexia uses proven methods and tools with their distinctive Identify-Interpret-Intervene-Involve-Inspire value chain offering.

We follow a Learn-differently-excel-uniquely’ model…rather than the defensive ‘disability’ stigma or fears.

Students Screened
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Teachers Trained
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Learning Enrichment Programs
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Our Programs

Learn to Read the Phonic Way

The best reading program to improve fluency

Phonics main image

Learn Math the Fun way

Lay a strong foundation for Math


Learn to Spell the Best Way

Improve your spelling skills

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Foster creativity and critical thinking skills in your students


Teacher Training

Make your classrooms inclusive using the principles of UDL

Teacher training final
Teacher training final
Teacher Training
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Be empowered to support students with Dyslexia

Enroll your child in our Learning Enrichment Programs

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