What is Dyslexia or Learning Difficulty?
- Categories Blog
- Date November 20, 2021
In layman’s language Learning Difficulty is a processing difference – children with LD store and retrieve information in ways that is different from how you and I do that. We just need to help them store information in a way that they can retrieve it.
Well, this is at the core , but it pans out as difficulty to acquire reading ,writing or math skills. They often perform poorly in traditional class room settings. 10 to 15% of school going children have some form of learning difficulty .
It is crucial to understand the other side of this. Children with LD have many compensating advantages
People across various streams have excelled in their related fields in spite of their learning struggles. The list is long and includes luminaries like Einstein, Edison, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Mohammad Ali, and Tom Cruise. It is well known that 35% of Silicon Valley’s most successful entrepreneurs struggled with Learning difficulties.
The difference is our approach to it as parents and teachers. So let us help shed the stigma and bring back happiness to their school years .
If you would like to be a change maker or would like to know more, please connect with us
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